Let’s get started with a FREE 15 minute phone session!

This is an opportunity for your Coach to learn about your academic challenges and goals. Following this session, we’ll be able to create and offer customized support to best suit your specific needs! Please note that we are happy to work with students, parents, or even students and parents together.

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Package A

Guiding students in developing skillsets to overcome specific academic obstacles. Great for students wanting to improve in any of the following areas:

  • Learning. Simple as that. Let’s not just memorize the material. Understanding is key.

  • Study habits. When to study, how to study, what to study! Learn techniques unique to your discipline!

  • Test Taking. You studied hard, but your grades don’t reflect this.

  • Concentration. Hours can pass by and you feel you haven’t learned anything.

  • Group work. How to deal with ‘that’ group member! But really, how you can work best together!

  • Reaching for that high letter grade! Because, why not?

Your Coach will provide techniques specific to your current high school studies and will set up an action plan for you moving forward.

$75. Includes a 45 minute coaching call

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Package b

Coaching students in creating a life-style that ensures academic priorities are met. Recommended for students requiring assistance in any of the following areas:

  • Procrastination

  • Lacking interest in your current courses

  • Setting priorities

  • Creating a schedule that encompasses all of your life domains (school, work, sports, etc.)

Your Coach will provide you with tailored strategies, a detailed action plan, and email support to assist as you start your new plan. This is particularly helpful for students who feel they need to be held accountable.

$120. Includes a 45 minute coaching call and one week of daily email correspondence.

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Special services

With the current changes to academic delivery due to COVID-19, here is how Academic Essentials can assist students –

  • Creating a schedule. Create a realistic daily routine broken down into specific tasks per course.

  • Concentration. Being able to focus on the task at hand.

  • Getting motivated. Let’s get this done!

  • Accountability. Having a daily check-in to help keep you on track.